Tom Cruise criticized NBC "Today" show host Matt Lauer on Friday when Lauer mentioned Cruise's earlier criticism of Brooke Shields for taking anti-depressants. Cruise told Lauer he didn't know what he was talking about. "You don't know the history of psychiatry. I do," Cruise said.
The interview became more heated when Lauer, who said he knew people who had been helped by the attention-deficit disorder drug Ritalin, asked Cruise about the effects of the drug.
"Matt, Matt, you don't even you're glib," Cruise responded. "You don't even know what Ritalin is. If you start talking about chemical imbalance, you have to evaluate and read the research papers on how they came up with these theories, Matt, OK. That's what I've done." (Really? What are your credentials?)
Well, I've seen a lot about Cruise's interview on some other blogs. What disturbs me about this is the fact that people give clowns like this credence. Who the hell CARES what Tom Cruise thinks about anti-depressants and psychiatry? And what the hell makes him an authority on the subject anyway? I read the script, and pompous Cruise comes off sounding like he's got a PhD or something. This guy doesn't even have a high school education!!! He dropped out of high school in his senior year. So why do we even listen to him?
Tom: get an education. Stick to what you know best....acting. But quit acting like you actually know something. You have no credibility with me.
Right on!!! Within the past two weeks this guy's gotten way too much airtime discussing psychiatry, post-partum depression, etc., all because, presumably, he read a book once. He's an ACTOR, for Christ's sake!!!
Arrgh... It seems to me that the people who would buy into Cruise's ramblings are those who most desperately need the help he's condemning...
Great title for this post, by the way. :-)
i didnt like him before and his blatant ignorance of social skills and common respect towards other people's problems and beliefs makes me dislike him even more. i'm gonna go see War of the Worlds just bc i like the little girl actress in it, but i'll be booing Tom every time he comes on screen...
Like I said...he's an ACTOR, nothing else. Not even a high school graduate.
mjs: He gets WAY too much airtime. I know he's promoting a movie, but he's about to join Jane Fonda, Alec Baldwin and Barbara Striesand in my list of actors whose movies I refuse to support.
Lisa: please keep reading. Sometimes I actually have something worth reading.
Capt. B: yep...he's an actor...
Mel: W.O.W. may be the last of his movies I see...but I'll wait until I can rent the DVD.
Excellent site, yo.
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