I have a confession. I love to eat. Too much. Last year when I was training for HH100, I was logging about 100 miles a week on my bike, and eating like a dingo. When I stopped training, I continued eating. I am now 12 lbs. heavier than I was when I did the HH100.
Tha good new is, the season has started again, and I have some rides to train for. The first road ride I'll do is March 28, the Salado Smokin' Spokes. I think I may start with a 50 miler, if I can log some miles by then.
Today I did 26 very slow miles with a couple of other 50ish guys. I was painfully slow, but they were out for the excersize, not a race. I like riding like that, even though they still pushed me some. So here I am after returning home:
And here's our ride: